
I got the bloodlust!

If I don’t get boiled crawfish for Easter I am going to be pissed at little baby Jesus.

Now playing

Sharky’s Machine. No “e”. Good movie. I just watched it again a couple of weeks ago. Carter Takes a Train is the best of the bunch.

I’ve never even commented on AV Club before. I did make one here earlier asking how long time Kinja commenters can go about getting approved but it was buried quickly.

I don’t even understand how this is your same Kinja account but your Golden Horn privileges were revoked. It’s like being born again. It worries me that that can happen because I am the only one that can change the admin team I think. If I got locked out we would be screwed. spaced would take over and turn it into

I’ve got that thing bookmarked but I haven’t used it. I was going to wait to see if they tweaked it some more. I don’t even visit the main pages and our own site doesn’t get a lot of traffic so I don’t have much problem with the comments. Once you get to a hundred or more it becomes a shitshow.

I finally got to it. And answered a couple of easy questions along the way. I’ve done my duty. I’m not jumping through any hoops to get out of the Grey Zone. I’ve made my bones on Kinja. I have to change my Chrome settings just to comment or star on the main pages because I always block third party cookies.

I’m still trying to find my pending comment. I’ve been clicking Load More for a while.

Click the “Aa” to the right for formatting tools. They don’t just open b/c Kinja.

Three dots on the right by the star to edit. You don’t have long before it locks.

They spent weeks redesigning the question mark. I’m not kidding. Look at that thing. ? ? ? Beauty.

How do long term Kinja users that have never commented on A.V. Club go about getting out of the Grey Zone?


Thank you for that. I can never remember who wrote that story and I have that Universe 1 paperback.

The crazy thing is I checked the newspaper and TV station website for news of this terrible murder that never happened. I may have finally seen a story that so-and-so was shooting in town and the streets would be blocked off. There is always something shooting here now. Big movies, SyFy movies, TV shows; they’re all

Ha ha. The accents. Dennis Quaid couldn’t quite pull it off. I always mention Panic in the Streets for good New Orleans accents because they had locals in the cast. Never done right otherwise.

Yes, I think so. I don’t think they really cared that a relative few in Louisiana would be able to tell the difference. A minor thing but all of these responses are mainly from locals who notice the minor things.