
Sometimes you get more than you're looking for.

I got The Yiddish Policemen's Union from the library a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. I finally read Wonder Boys at the same time. There are increasingly rare times as a reader when you get mental chills knowing you are about to experience something extraordinary.

I remember the first time I read Nabokov; it hurt my brain. I had been reading nothing but genre. Good genre, but still genre. I had to retrain my eyes. It is an entirely different kind of reading than blazing through thrillers, feasting on action. I am able to enjoy writers who do nothing but story but it better

I am so bad that when someone asks for science fiction recommendations on the IMDb Books board and uses That Term I will edit the title in my reply to say SF so that I don't have to look at it in my post history. I can't really explain my hatred but every year it grows stronger.

Cardinals fucking lost; that's what happened. Rosenthal gives up four in the 8th. That sucked. I should have gone to bed too.

Now playing

Skip James - Hard Time Killin' Floor Blues



I forgot to link to it but the top image was taken in 1873 by Joseph Turner. Titled "The Moon Aged 9 Days", it was shot with the Great Melbourne Telescope. I am a fan of early moon photography.

That is awesome. Many years ago I was looking at a full moon with a pair of binoculars while on some fairly heavy-duty acid. It was mesmerizing. The craters were clearly visible. I've been wanting a telescope ever since.


In the cold open they showed him rehearsing his speech before making the call. That was supposed to be the hint I think.

I've got three TVs but the only time it really comes in handy is for college football. The most NFL games we get is two. DeSean Jackson ended up hurting his team with the personal foul after the touchdown.

Look at all the different species too. That's pretty crazy.

Didn't scare me. Nope. Not one bit.

Excellent read. I have an 8 oz. steel Country Club can in my collection. We used to drink Mickey's wide mouth twenty years ago. Pretty bad but also pretty cheap.

Black bean soup and turkey sandwich. Cooking ahead of time for football tomorrow.