
Always good to see Lucy Van Pelt on io9.

Too bad there isn't an annotation because I would point out a good fishing spot.

My mother turned me on to the Saint-Hilaire sparkling wine.

Love her. I mentioned "The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things To Rats" in another story recently. That was part of her background.

I can't remember but I thought that ad was hysterical. I know someone in my neighborhood had it. I had the large size G.I. Joe.

Little room for error. Once you get above a certain height survivability goes way down. I saw a PBS documentary on the early days of the airplane and before there were technical advances a lot of those guys ended up killing themselves in homemade contraptions.


This article may be of interest.

Nice one.

I saw these books at a book fair and bought them just in case.

Repo Man is always intense.

Robert D. Kaplan is near the bottom of the list. I recommended one of his books the other day in the map story. President Clinton was spotted with his book on the Balkans (Balkan Ghosts) which is what gave him some prominence.

Here are a few stills (image crop test):

See the story "The Psychologist Who Wouldn't Do Awful Things To Rats" by James Tiptree, Jr.

Nice eye. I have three editions of The Book of Lists and three editions of The People's Almanac. No telling how many times I've reread those things. And people wonder why I'm so good at useless trivia.

Here's a few of the original San Francisco photos: