
Charles Willeford reference!

I'm reading Quicksilver now. It's great.

Have you guys noticed that every Gawker Media story ends up on Yahoo a day later?


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They're insane when fighting over a feeder and they make a lot of noise.

I have this edition and it is a pretty cool cover.

I'd like to find that ACE edition of Dune too. I'm a vintage paperback collector so I've been seeing quite a few covers that I wish I had. Problem is half the pics on the page won't load so I keep going up and down and hitting refresh. Still never read The Space Merchants and I've been looking for a copy for years.

Norstrilia still blows my mind.

That Signet edition of The Stars My Destination is worth some money. I found it at the annual University book sale earlier this year for one dollar. There was a penciled in price on the first page of $45 that caught my eye and when I got home and looked it up on Abebooks, sure enough, that is what they are going for

I have one of these things and they work well for keeping small things from falling through the grill.

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I cut the onions in thick rings and use a skewer to hold them together. Brush with a little olive oil.

One day while fishing I heard a horrendous crash a few hundred yards away on a rural highway. Drove out to see what happened and a dump truck hauling a load of dirt had had a blowout and hit a Taurus head on. Driver of the Taurus was conscious but in shock and pinned in by the dash that was in his lap. Compound

Stopped by the library this morning and picked up Quicksilver. The third one was also there but not the second. I'll be ticked if one is missing or stays out forever. His books are always gone.

I really liked Anathem. Got REAMDE from the library a while back and you're right, it is basically a straight thriller. Haven't read the Baroque Cycle yet. Cryptonomicon is enormous but damn entertaining.

That's ordinance not ordnance dummy.

I was attacked by a goose when I was a little kid. We were on vacation somewhere that had a pond where we were feeding ducks and one of those big bastards rushed me and bit me on the foot. Hated them ever since. Fuck a goose.

The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes is a great book.