The saddest part of it all is when our own people make this flawed neutral stance to white supremacy it just sets us back, it doesn’t move them forward.
The saddest part of it all is when our own people make this flawed neutral stance to white supremacy it just sets us back, it doesn’t move them forward.
“Whites EAT this shit up, that’s how you know it’s absolute coonery”
Pure, ‘both sides’ bullshit. It is not up to the oppressed to dismantle racism. It never has been, it never will be.
Thanks, Rafi, they read like punch lines from hell.
Someone beat me to it already but it is tough to shame someone who has no shame. After turning on the TV this morning and immediately trying to figure out if anyone we knew was in Las Vegas, my wife and I talked about the fact that nothing will change. Sometime this week, and it may have already happened, someone will…
Hey there. I see you’ve left more gold in here since :)
And respectfully, friend, you would be wrong. Statistically, a few bad apples could not describe the hundreds of thousands of people who vote term after term for people and rules which posture white people to maintain power via the harm of POC. And they’re not only white people! Some POC who have internalized white…
You’re probably feeling like it’s coming from everywhere right now, so good for you for being a good sport and hanging with the conversation. If you take anything from our interaction, I hope that you (and I, and everybody) can separate emotions about the subject to be comfortable with the complete acceptance of…
Bigots really always have a tell.
And that, my friend, is the definition of a straw man. I purposefully did not mention taxes or gov’t aid. So HE projected that argument because he felt it was easier to refute. The gag is . . . you and I know haters don’t want certain folks to receive ANYTHING- public or private. And they will gladly appoint…
Bigotry is not solely a racist label. Your xenophobia, and homophobia are also considered under the bigot umbrella. But, guaranteed you are racist with your black dad jab.
We are not currently on equal footing in terms of the law. That is the precise reason Kap and his cohorts are not standing for the anthem.
You are dangerously uninformed. The military is political? Also, there is no amount of training that will make a white racist cop not racist. The problem is the people.
No. Equality and fairness is not political. Again, which party (side) is advocating the systemic racism? It is a social issue. People in positions of authority are reckless and allowed to operate by other reckless people. All political parties have bigots in them.
Boo, please study the history of redlining, gerrymandering, white flight.
Chicken/egging it is offering a ‘many sides’ explanation for a one-sided concept that is objective, well documented and longitudinally accurate. White supremacy is the chicken and the egg. White supremacy is/was the fuel for slavery, Jim crow, and the current social and economic disenfranchisement of African…
Hi, you can now rest assured that you are a racist. If you find systemic racism to be a political issue, and not a social one, you’re a bigot. Which political party (side) is supportive of the systemic racism? Right. See, it’s not political. Shouldn’t be that hard.
But systemic racism is not erased in two generations, my friend. And you’ve not answered why LaKeisha gets paid less than Connor even if they do the same job. I know that it’s difficult to get what you don’t experience: I have no idea what childbirth must be like. But I don’t have the arrogance to dismiss it.
The Italians and the Irish overcame poverty a few generations after coming to the US - to the point where we now have one New York airport named after an Irish-American - who was president - and another named after an Italian-American, who was New York mayor. Meanwhile a black underclass has always existed in the US…
The judge was black and the chief is black, so I mean to me ... how does that look?