
I would have beat the dogsh@t outta this sonuvabitch. Until the motorman or the police stopped me.

It's good to know we'll be seeing you here regularly, Sister.

Your argument is going astray, now. Did you know that according to the Pig's own testimony, the incident could not have gone down the way he says? And, that's not even taking into account the hospital photos call his statements into question.

Yes, Brown, like Ang Lee's 'Hulk', became enraged and that, coupled with his gamma-enriched DNA, caused the teen to grow to an enormous 9', right before Wilson's eyes. Please shut the fuxx up "Lamont Sanford III", ya big dummy.

Really? I had thought he was hiding out.

Hmmrr.. Curious. I'm still letting the comments sink, and am not sure how I feel about them yet.


You're jealous of her ass, aren't you? Elseways, why bother in your own sort of desperate response?

Pardon? What do Black men even have to do with whatever it is you're blabbing about?

That's, actually, exactly how it works. The point being, white privilege elevates even the poorest white person above any Black person in the eyes of society. Duh.

I am paying attention, now.

Chelsea Handler has very nice breasts. I'm somewhat surprised..

Remember the brouhaha surrounding Jennifer Love Hewitt 's beach photos?

Word, and word.

Butttttttt..., Chick-fil-A doesn't have an anti-gay marriage stance; their founder is just an adherent to his interpretation of the Bible. And, he's dead, so...

Now playing

THIS should have been the treatment Snyder went with. Hell, they should have cast the same lady in the role. The Gal Gadot casting is weak.

why in the hell would someone take a breast feeding infant to a concert, and set up in the pit? Wtf? I don't care if it's country or not, venue speakers are loud. Whatta fuxxing idiot this person is.

I'm with you on that. I felt myself becoming very mean-spirited by things I witnessed and heard of.

wait.. What?

Here hear.