
Dumb phone user here despite having worked in a major entertainment company's mobile department for three years. Outside the office I live an active life and my phone is ruggedized. I've dropped it 12 feet onto concrete and all it got was a slight scratch. Since every "ruggedized" smart phone sucks balls in terms of

Guys, please understand that BMI is a height/weight metric and not a fat metric. Being underweight is dangerous because lack of lean muscle mass and lack of essential fat screw up metabolism and hormone production respectively. The only reason this study found that being overweight is safer is because people who are

Bullshit. He's a designer, not an artist.

Whoever designed these products never studied ergonomics, and whoever wrote this article never works out. There are glaring flaws with every single one of these products that would make them hellish to use.

Graphic violence is not the same as graphic imagery.

Compare it to the cost of a helicopter. LAPD uses them constantly because guess what? Stand offs and pursuits are an every day occurrence and aerial surveillance saves lives. Making that surveillance less obtrusive and less costly is a good thing.

The DMCA already provides hosts with immunity for user generated content provided effective take-down procedures are in place. That's not the problem with the Reddit doc.

Ruggedized phones CAN look nice. I still use a Motorola Adventure V750 which resembles a Razr. I've dropped the thing off a second story balcony and into a fountain. Zero damage. I'm holding off on upgrading until someone finally makes a decent rugged replacement.

You do realize there's two videos, right? The first one shows a cop flipping out on an unarmed photographer who tries to comply and gets arrested despite getting clearance to film from the officer's dispatch. The SECOND one is the one you seem to be referencing and it's exactly what you said, a video of a cop doing

Generally not a question you want to ask on the internet...

It's not exactly an enjoyable experience, but it's actually a lot "nicer" than taking the pill according to most of the girls I've talked to about it. The pill is a bundle of hormones and has a nasty tendency to play pinball with the girl's emotions, circadian rhythm, stress hormones, etc.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Materials Scientist weighing in: This jacket will not last a lifetime. Anyone who claims otherwise does not understand Kevlar.

Funny, it was the content providers who founded Hulu.

"Gone would be the days of having to buy $20 season passes one by one."

That IS what the Guatemala sink holes look like. There have been several opening over the last few years, two of which were big enough to swallow buildings and were hundreds of feet deep. All of them have perfectly shear walls, though they probably cut the tile to match so they could keep track of where the edges were

If you have to cross the mountains it's a 40 mile drive. On Carmageddon that's projected to take upwards of three hours, and that's with only hitting the edge of the traffic snarl (most of the congestion is further west). A 40 mile flight will burn way less fuel than all those cars idling on the freeway for that

"You are making a claim that contradicts researched scientific study."

Every report of injury from the shoes comes from either doing too much too fast or from running with a heavy heal strike the way you would in conventional shoes. User error doesn't mean the shoes themselves are flawed.

No, functional cartilage does not turn to bone in healthy individuals. Endochondral ossification does use cartilage as a precursor, but that doesn't involve hyaline cartilage which is what you find in working joints.