Materials Scientist weighing in: This jacket will not last a lifetime. Anyone who claims otherwise does not understand Kevlar.
Materials Scientist weighing in: This jacket will not last a lifetime. Anyone who claims otherwise does not understand Kevlar.
Funny, it was the content providers who founded Hulu.
"Gone would be the days of having to buy $20 season passes one by one."
That IS what the Guatemala sink holes look like. There have been several opening over the last few years, two of which were big enough to swallow buildings and were hundreds of feet deep. All of them have perfectly shear walls, though they probably cut the tile to match so they could keep track of where the edges were…
If you have to cross the mountains it's a 40 mile drive. On Carmageddon that's projected to take upwards of three hours, and that's with only hitting the edge of the traffic snarl (most of the congestion is further west). A 40 mile flight will burn way less fuel than all those cars idling on the freeway for that…
"You are making a claim that contradicts researched scientific study."
Every report of injury from the shoes comes from either doing too much too fast or from running with a heavy heal strike the way you would in conventional shoes. User error doesn't mean the shoes themselves are flawed.
No, functional cartilage does not turn to bone in healthy individuals. Endochondral ossification does use cartilage as a precursor, but that doesn't involve hyaline cartilage which is what you find in working joints.
The ACSM is the most recognized accrediting organization when it comes to exercise physiology, biomechanics, and kinesthetics and is widely recognized by the medical community. It has the most rigorous entrance exam of any personal trainer certification and by far the most demanding continuing education requirements.
No, it isn't.
No, actually, it's both. Proper running technique involves striking with the ball of your foot, transitioning towards your heel, then back towards your toe. In the absence of excessive shoe support this requires you to recruit a lot of small stabilization muscles on both sides of your calf.
Messaged you the details. His were the nearly all-black trek sports (very minor grey highlighting) so I doubt it was because of the color scheme.
Considering I've watched these shoes fix the problems you seem to think they'll create, I find your comment mildly hilarious.
Thanks, I never would have guessed that you couldn't simultaneously have two opposite yet related conditions. /sarcasm
I recommend it for reasons:
I currently work a white collar office job for a major entertainment company. I wear my Vibram KSOs about half the time. My boss, the department VP, and the department SVP all saw me wearing them for months, but failed to notice them until I pointed them out. Once I did it blew their minds.
No, no they weren't. Arch supports are a crutch that most people don't actually need. They allow people to continue ignoring proper biomechanics. What's worse, in doing so they contribute to the problems that they're intended to alleviate.
Injinji makes a good set as well.
They sort through this stuff so they can figure out where it came from. The company I work for gets pirated material bought off the street from all over the world. It's analyzed to determine region of origin, sometimes even theater of origin. Theaters that allow high quality cams to be made repeatedly get fined (well,…