
Your assertion is founded on the belief that ethics are universal and absolute. This, too, is incorrect.

Man, if only the technology to edit the crazy out of videos existed...

It's the fact that she'll have the womb in which she was conceived inside of her that makes this so bizarre. She becomes, in essence, a walking matryoshka-esque mind-fuck.

Wait, if the interference from this thing can be harmful to implants and has to be custom "shaped" to your particular hardware, what happens if two people with these "shields" sit next to each other? Lethal interference?

Valid has several meanings, the most common usage is "well grounded, justifiable". In that sense, validity is purely a matter of personal belief. Every action taken by a rational person is then, by definition, valid.

Except that validity is entirely a matter of personal belief. There is no objective measure. People have fought and died for things that others never understood. It doesn't mean they threw their lives away.

Not according to your belief system, no. Of course, your view isn't authoritative, representative, or otherwise universal.

So the Spanish police have evidence that the Sony hack was carried out by a loose group of people with almost no affiliation. Brilliant. Everyone involved with the hack is trembling, I'm sure.

No. They've just found something they believe is worth fighting for, many for the first time in their lives.

That dust is clearly digital.

My gas tank is empty when I go to fill it. That's a pretty big and very important difference.

Call me crazy, but isn't pumping out the goo and pumping in fresh goo more difficult than swapping the battery?

Random Carthaginian Dude circa 145 BC: "Does anyone else think the whole 'Romans are going to destroy us' theme is getting a little stale?"

Malcolm in the Middle days? Citation needed?

I imagine it's like Truffle pigs. Locating the "object of interest" may be natural, but the rest isn't.

I thought the 30 pin connector was proprietary and third party accessories couldn't use it without Apple's licensing and approval. I can't imagine Apple approving this as it breaks with their design ethos...

Time to start selling IR filtering lens kits. (Patent Pending)

There was a good deal of characterization for Lyanna. A rather vivid picture was painted when Meera Reed told Bran the story of the tourney at Harrenhall, and Ned recounted how his sister would have worn a sword if their father allowed it.

I'm not sure I care enough to go doxing on this, call me when he abuses a cat.

Still waiting for someone to explain why a non-commercial site would be running analytics. Bounce rate only really matters to marketers.