
You'll be glad you did.

Policies like these bother me.

It's hands down my favorite series, and I'd like to consider myself well read. Everyone I've introduced to the series has fallen in love with it, including my current GF. I actually just finished reading the ENTIRE series to her (took close to a year, I think) and I've personally reread them on my own at least three

This is completely insane.

I say that every time my ping spikes or a download slows to a crawl. Usually with a lot of cursing...

Damn the experience requirement. A big part of my current job is writing articles like this, but they're for internal circulation to NBCU/Comcast not for a public blog or publication. :(

The real question is, why would you want one?

It just described about 49% of Gizmodo's readership, I think.

I won't send it to you for two reasons.

I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with Honeycomb or Honeycomb tablets. However, my brain was a tad bit muddled yesterday (and still is today, sadly) courtesy of the volume of work I've been doing.

Play with it longer. I've got one in the cabinet above my monitor right this very second and I don't plan on ever charging the thing again. Waste of materials.

Oh, loving it when you're 20 something is easy. But at that awkward, insecure age when you're doing everything you can to seem right for your crush, well, unless she has an eye-patch this would probably seem unbearable to the poor kid.

Happiest 6 year old ever. Fast forward 10 years though and I feel kind of sorry for the kid.

Clearly its eyes are glowing with responsible love.

Mildly interesting, but considering the company charges $11,600 for a titanium bracelet... think I'll pass.

Yeah, totally. I mean normally I just throw some water in my briefcase before I leave home. Extra packaging for water is completely ridiculous.

Look again, it is most definitely sealed. The hole is in the section that's been heat pressed, it's no different than the hole at the top of a bag of candy on super market racks.

Automatic Content Recognition using audio watermarks. Shazam and Nielsen both have sizable projects doing just that.

Well, then there's always the question of whether or not human life automatically has intrinsic value. I posit that it does not.

Interesting, thanks for clarifying that. I'd wondered that for a long time without being able to find anything credible.