Ok, this trend of showcasing awesome watches that cost about half of what I earned last year is killing me.
@comrade_leviathan: Those don't do much if you put it in your pocket with a set of keys, etc.
To be fair, the cat probably naps less than most ivy league students.
@Cheruth: Rats are cleaner than polls?
@Wax: One man was deceased when the 2008 pic was taken. His wife stood in his place, though closer to the front since she was short.
Wow, that was an amazingly succinct explanation for crop blights. It makes such perfect sense, but it never occurred to me. Thanks!
@Necoras: This is actually very common. Virtually any food you eat that goes through a powdered stage has some amount of silica (not ordinary beach sand) added to help it flow.
I'm confused. Where does the magic smoke come into play?
Damn, this is a proper murder suicide. They killed the brand, then themselves...
@Serolf Divad: You are aware that you live in a world that praises the rise of the Dow while states and nations go bankrupt, yes?
Isn't a huge percentage of it water though since that's listed as the number two ingredient?
I wonder if the engineers are compensating for anything...
@cbytes: So it takes a 4 finger key-mash to activate it? How is this more elegant a solution than a track pad, again?
This has all the usability of five finger gestures on the iPhone.
These bunkers are pretty awesome. When I was visiting the Bay area over Summer we visited some for a bit of parkour.
Simplicity meets practicality meets structure fire.
Wait a second... how can they make a Matrix 4 or 5 when they never made a Matrix 2 or 3?
Well, there goes my morning!