
@kyre: It's last years model. Thing probably doesn't even support the latest OS release. I think I saw a few like it on Craigslist...

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Not really. I work in the industry. Even the best moulage, SFX makeup, and bio set dressing breaks down the second you actually examine them in the slightest.

@OtherTimes: You, sir or madame, have won a cookie. Feel free to claim it the next time you're in Los Angeles.

@Mobfob: Throw them into a pit of lye?

Windows Embedded Automotive 7

@AreWeThereYeti: How are you not free to do what you want? The article has ZERO to do with limiting personal freedoms.

@alexLmx6: I'm sure they'll just taze the bomber and— oh.

Anyone else a little worried false positives and subsequent shooting deaths could be an issue?

@AreWeThereYeti: You're missing the point. You ARE free to do what you want with it. No one is going to come and confiscate your phone or pursue litigation if you alter it.

@Slinkytech: Which still ties into the Xbox Live system for achievement tracking, as do all games that release on both platforms.

@AreWeThereYeti: Or perhaps we can just see past the end of our toes. anyone actually paying that price?

@siwex80: That quote gets bandied about so much these days it's essentially its own freestanding joke.

@Barion: Right, silly me. I forgot that in typical Cyber-Punk settings (as in the real world) the corporations are at the mercy of the individual.

@DukeOfPwn: Yes, but it's mostly an all too common case of "I'm mad as hell, and I'm unhappy about the fact that I have no choice but to keep taking it— ...anymore..."

@CaptainJack: Majority shareholder is not the same thing as controlling interest.

@XanderCrews: DSL at my office never pings less than 500 ms to the servers 15 miles away in our data center.

@Walternate: I don't know, according to my Cyber-Punk Almanac companies like Comcast will be the first to make interplanetary travel and colonization a reality.

@CaptainJack: It's worth pointing out that NBC Universal doesn't actually own Hulu. They're just a stakeholder along with Fox and several other companies. If they did... well, this would basically be suicide for their merger plans.