We'll have Humanism when we have robots that are advanced enough for us to hate and discriminate against.
We'll have Humanism when we have robots that are advanced enough for us to hate and discriminate against.
Well, these days "Friendship" isn't worth as much as people think it means. Social Media has warped the perception of what friendship means. The requirements for "friendship" keep getting lower and lower and pretty much anyone who you're not blood related that you have a somewhat positive speaking relationship can be…
I'm glad George Carlin is no longer here to be part of this ridiculous world. I'm sure if he were to start his career today and pulled out something like his "Fuck the Children" routine, he would've been similarly crucified on twitter. But then again, I'm sure he'd never even bother with twitter in the first place so…
Well, It's better than my relation to the KFC logo. I was born outside the U.S. and had no cultural understanding of who Col. Sanders was. For the longest time I thought the Colonel's head was a drumstick that just happened to look like it had a person's face. It wasn't until they redid the logo to include the…
She's good looking enough to be attractive, yet not too good looking as to alienate geeks (at least most). Women in geek-related entertainment are like the matrix. The first generation attempts were viewed as too good to be true and were rejected by the fans (e.g. Olivia Munn), the second generation was therefore…
I remember reading an article on another website about how someone made the connection between the state of the U.S. economy and the amount of attractive women working as waitresses. When times are good, said attractive women can find better jobs due to their looks. But when times are bad, their looks can't make up…
http://youtu.be/ surprised no-one has posted this yet.
Holy shit, that thing looks like it would belong to Sherman Klump.
Maybe we'll live in a world where there are two groups: the ugly proto-Morlocks who can't afford to be attractive and as such are limited within society, and the affluent, beautiful proto-Eloi who stand at the top of the hierachy, that is as long as they can maintain their socioeconomic standing.
Won't somebody think of the wontons?!
There's nothing more French that being exiled, just look at Napoleon and De Gaulle.
I guess that's why the onion decided to make this story not too long ago.
I'm guessing he became an emotional eater after his daughter went into porn.
Well, as the late Greg Girlado once said "[cleavage] not a smart bomb. It's not a laser-guided weapon. You might hit your target; there's also going to be a lot of collateral damage. You might hit the guy in the Porsche. You're also going to hit the guy with one tooth driving by on the bus."
What's this? Not one mention of the The massive storm in Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker? That storm was big enough drown the entire land of Hyrule and turn it into the Great Sea. It had a greater effect compared to the one caused by the song of storms in Ocarina of time which only resulted in a drained well and a…
The movie was rather forgettable. The only parts of the movie I remember were the rush of water coming into NYC and when the cold was moving in and people on the U.S. side were crossing down into Mexico in mass numbers.