
if you were clever you couldve bought the borderlands 2 game on ebay for $30 from people selling their nvidia vouchers, then $10 for mechromancer, $22.50 from a discounted borderlands 2 season pass. So for $63 I get the entire content of Borderlands 2. Sucks to those who paid $60 for the game + mechromancer if you

LOL gotta love the Epic Druid Flight Form reference with Strength of Five Gorillas, and the Transfoormers movie reference "Made of Sterner Stuff"

its a cost of ownership article. So if you did a cost of ownership for a car you wouldnt include insurance, gas, and maintenance?

all of these guns become junk once you do the 2nd playthrough. The whites were better than a lot of epics/blues I had.

bigger phone can fit a bigger battery? STOP THE PRESSES

statute of limitations?

WotLK intro is still the best cinematic and the best expansion

too bad they will rot when the olympics is over like how 2004 Athens and 2008 Beijing venues are rotting

didnt Jobs say a tablet with a screen smaller than 10" isnt a tablet?

yall should read the article Popular Mechanics did on this crash where they had the full transcript of the cockpit recorders. Your heart will be skipping a beat.

See you at Turn 12.

Ive been playing for 3+ hours already and Im at the tail end of Act 1. I've been running around exploring everything trying to find all the side quests that are hidden in the random dungeons and also listening to the story.

I am waiting for this cpu for a new build to replace a C2D E6600 and possibly get a Asus Zenbook with the ivybridge and IPS panel refresh

they said destroying a mass relay causes a super nova like explosion, so when they were all destroyed it probably killed more organics than the Reapers themselves lol

honestly what will a PS4 or a XBOX720 bring to the market? The resolution is still fixed at 1080p, the framerates are still fixed at 24-30fps. Better graphics, OMG? Its not going to be the huge jump it was going from PS2 to PS3 (going from 480p to 1080p). That is a huge jump. I am far more interested in a Wii U.

I dont get why in the endings you see Joker in hyperspace travel. He was suppose to be in battle. Then I realize he was trying to get away from the bad endings

cmon seriously, soul? Its a freaking machine its made out of metal and plastics. I suppose some cars needs to have soul. Something has to go to heaven when the GTR kills it.

how the hell is funding them to where they can finance this type of equipment?

Now playing

opening credits music was really good too

dont care, i didnt plan to use google wallet anyways. I have a credit card for that and its faster