
this myth was busted on Mythbusters

letting a terrorist take over a plane unopposed because it isn't politically correct to have a gun on a plane isn't a good idea either. Every Israeli flight has armed personnel on board both plain clothes security officers and pilots (who are former Israeli Air Force for the most part). They dont screw around.

racism will disappear if race baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson stop reminding us about race

yup youre hit and possibly dead before you can even hear the shot.

long action .338 lapua magnum rifle isnt too much bigger than a short action .308 weapon. A Barrett .50 rifle weighs about 30 lbs and is huge. However the .338 Lapua has very similar ballistics and range to the .50 cal, but the weapon and ammo weigh considerably less. The maneuverability gains is in the reduced

Libertarians would rather have gold and silver as money. Bitcoins have no intrinsic value, youre screwed if the data infrastructure is down to where you cant access your funds. Somewhat slightly better than fiat currency but there are much better solutions out there. Like what we have used for the past 6000 years.

then explain our massive trade deficit

Ill leave this here

Ron Paul 2012 is all you need to know

dont worry, Apple doesnt have a magical printing press

no they just sue them instead

just wait until the welfare checks are worthless, 1992 LA riots will look like sunday school

Obama and friends are the ones on TV trying to fearmonger a default. Admitting you're going to default if you dont get a higher credit limit is admission of a ponzi scheme.

kinda funny, out of all the countless self defense stories I've read. I cant even recall where a victim had a concealed gun, failed to defend themselves, and got killed.

thank the movie industry for raising rental and licensing fees on Netflix

our US education system at its finest

you mean like cash, cash is untraceable. Unlike cash, bitcoin transactions are all datalogged and recorded electronically.

dunno if you are being sarcastic or not but bitcoin transactions are all recorded and data logged. Hardly anonymous. Cash is still far better if you wanted to be anonymous

There is a sugar tariff that makes US prices for sugar over twice as expensive as the world market price for it. Its clearly designed to protect HFCS manufacturers. Yet consumers are stuck with potentially unhealthy HFCS and an inferior product.

somewhat better than toilet paper money that can be created on a whim. Bitcoins are hard limited in supply at 21 million coins.