FooSchnickens - dorifutooooo

That's basically my line of thinking as well. While the Nexus is damn tempting, the thought of a quad-core smartphone is even more tempting and better bang for my buck. My GS is still doing just fine so I should be fine for another year or so until the tech gets to where I want it to be.

"im not upgrading till something comes out thats not going to be beaten by a new phone a week after its release..."

Grooveshark knew all to well that this would happen eventually. They utilized a legal grey area for as long as they could to provide a pretty awesome service to those who wanted it.

That's something we can all get behind.

What what.... Is in her but?!?!

Totally. There's something oddly therapeutic about driving a stretch of road with no one else around, blasting good music and being able to enjoy what's around you instead of being wary of every other knuckle-dragging numbskull on the road.

Yup, just threw up in my mouth.

Allow me to be the first to say. WHAT THE FLYING FUCK?

Too little, too late.

That would be the only reason I'd consider getting one so I wouldn't have to worry about my homemade penguin mints amp getting lost/broken in the wild. Or run out of battery juice.

Considering the relationships that most State Troopers and local PDs have I wouldn't be surprised at all if her colleagues look at her as a patron saint now.

Yeah, that doesn't really do what the inkling can do.

That'll do, pig. That'll do.

Just wait until people start whining about the lack of a video feature.

Such an underappreciated film. Go check it out, kids. Treasure of the sierra madre.

No Jeremy Clarkson voice, no care.

It's true, to a point. But 80% of taking good photos is having the correct skillset and experience to know how to properly compose the photo and then how to subsequently expose it. The other 20% is up to the equipment.

The only people doing anything "properly" in this situation are the Mounties by impounding and (hopefully) selling off these cars to people who will appreciate them more than their current "owners".

I'm somewhat used to seeing reposts from other sites on giz, but not reposts from their own site...