Google or the author must have taken it down, it's not available. I get an error. Too bad, it sounded like a good idea. :(
Google or the author must have taken it down, it's not available. I get an error. Too bad, it sounded like a good idea. :(
I always love Chrome updates on my phone- anything that makes life quicker and easier is most welcome.
Aha. Texas. ;) >tease<
I have nothing to add except that this is the laugh out loud moment of my day.
The same to you! :)
Ahh, see I have no limits. Hopefully your bank will remove that rule. :)
Love this. So descriptive I was actually seeing the supply train in my head. Great post.
Indeed. :)
I move my savings each week from my auto deposited money in checking to savings online. Can you do something like that?
^This. Good idea!
Ahhh, email notifications are awesome. :)
I'm sorry, I know I'm in a minority here, but I LOVED it. What's better than Christmas jammies?
That doesn't bother me as I very rarely comment there. I go, read, think about it myself and move on. I use it as an accurate source not a discussion platform. :)
Both are favorites with me. They often present both sides of a story, invite an expert to speak, then leave you to decide what you think. Usually unbiased, usually very accurate and available both online and on radio and tv. Good reliable sources and often promotes conversation at our dinner table. :)
BBC News or BBC World Service are less biased than their American counterparts. IMHO. More straight up news with less opinion.
I miss them too. They had a hint of lemon...nice snap with you ate them too. My girls LOVED them and we'd often just get those to munch on. Why did they do away with them?
I guess so. :)
I leave my Cozi tab, my Gqueues tab and Gmail open. The first two pinned, Gmail fully open. Everything else gets used as needed and shut down. If I find something on breaks that I want to read later, I Pocket it and check it out at the end of the day.
^ This exactly. Couldn't have worded it better.