My Triton AX 720 does really well and I've had it for almost 2 years now. Might be a bit pricy for I guess what I'm trying to say is the headsets might be comparable in quality.
My Triton AX 720 does really well and I've had it for almost 2 years now. Might be a bit pricy for I guess what I'm trying to say is the headsets might be comparable in quality.
I teared up at the end of X.
Pretty much
The races were the same for XI and XIV. The names were differentbut those are the same similarities. Hell people complained about the differences so much it seems that 2.0 is going to be "Let's make it more like XI"
I've been trying to figure out how to respond to you so I'll just say this, you're comment was brilliant and spot on. I feel these people become too irrational and hypocritical about subjects such as Final Fantasy and sometimes Sony. Anyways you and a few other commenters are the reason that I keep coming back here.…
Went to my Best Buy and inquired about the demo Vita unit and they had it but weren't bringing it out. Well I picked up my preorder for XIII-2 and they decided to let me play with it. I know everybody says its light but man is that thing light. Overall it was an enjoyable expierence and look forward to getting one.
What a wonderful speak up topic. While my expierences have not been as extreme as yours with games(it happened a lot with toys)I definitely understand where you are coming from. Plus I also like to examine the condition of their discs as well before I make a judgement.
You really needed both to fully appreciate and enjoy that generation of handhelds.
What would be a reasonable size for a SSD?
No I don't think it's us who have it backwards...
If anyone wants a free play online code for BF3 for 360 I have an extra if you bought the game used.
Eh it's barely any thicker than the DSi. The DSi lost so much weight because of the lack of a GBA port. Not to mention shorter which makes it harder for me to do marathon gaming sessions with the 3DS.
So Army Corps of Hell got bumped back up by Amazon to release date so that's another launch title for me! :D
Man Sonic Generations on the 3DS is criminally short. At least I got it on sale.
Saweet! Thank you Sony.
Yeah the number pad movement was just jacked. I loved my Logitech keyboard controller combo. Unwieldy as hell but worked wonders for that game. Hell I still have my FFXI standee.
Good news! I do have a Bluetooth keyboard. I do understand that not e erroneous would of course unless do some sorts of bundle. I somehow completely forgot about the touchscreen however. I would think that macros and auto translate would be for the win most part.
I always have had a soft spot for WotS
I could not fathom how they could do XI well on the Vita but if they do boy I'll buy that all over the place.
Wow that game looks excellent.