
Ah yes the childrens that makes sense. Well you enjoy your Vita sir.

That's definitely one of them. I guess I'm tired of those comments in general. Just because it's on one doesn't mean it won't be on the other. Capcom is a business and they like to make money. Like you and Suzaku said there are plenty of games to fill the void while we wait for it.

So Brian, if i may call you that Mr. Ashcraft. It seems like your 3DS is a little scratched up.... that makes me sad for you :\

Ah don't listen to him. He seems to be under the delusion that the Vita will never get a MH game.

I can see why some people don't like handhelds but I'm an equal opportunity gamer. Not that I'm going to wait, thank you Amazon.

Hmm I just realized that your name is a Guilty Gear and MGS reference, at least that's what I presume lol


They're really streamlining the process.


As much as I think Netflix should be lambasted for this travesty as well. It was actually Microsoft that took out the parties and such. Or at least their rules as far as apps go. Zune doesn't even have parties anymore. I have been complaining to both non stop and I suggest you to do the same. Hopefully they'll change

While you said you are Battlefield guy and are playing devil's advocate I just wanted to chime in about the reusing assets. I haven't played BF3 yet but playing MW3 they use SO MANY things from MW2 it feels so generic.

I didn't see a reason. I just was looking up info about the update and saw that it was a feature that was removed. I think they removed it from Zune too. We didn't use it too often but it was handy for newer releases.

Yeah that's just what we're going to have to do and in the mean time just complain really loud lol

I'm just upset that they took out the Netflix party feature. It's something that I almost consistently do every night with my girlfriend. It's a long distance thing so we look forward to it, now..... ugh they have to make this harder.

I wish I had the funds to. I love Snowblind and this game looked awesome.

Since I've been mostly broke I've been going through my HUGE backlog. Trying to decide what to play next on my PS3. Resonance of Fate, Yakuza 3 or No More Heroes. What do you all think?

And if the format tries to wipe the memory card....just remove it.

I can see where you are coming from about the size. Heck my 16 GB Pro Duo barely holds everything I have. I really do wonder why they made the cost so high. Surely they could have seen that most people would be turned off by the price and it would be a deal breaker.

That sounds like the appropriate response XD

Well I'm still excited. The only thing that stings is the memory card price. Not even to not get one of course.