
He gets them to say the name by harassing them in-game by various methods. Those most definitely count as trolling.

This. I hate the damned thing but at least this is using it well instead of shoehorning it where it doesn't belong.

I remember back when I was playing the original Day Z mod I was in a hospital when a bunch of bandits arrived. They didn't seem to notice me and I shot one who came close to me. He blamed his friend and his friend shot him. Before long only one was left of 7 and he died of blood loss.

Master has 100. So... If we go by an exponential growth curve... I would say 3.16 or so. Or, 3 and an assist. And 10 to Journeyman. :D

There would be so much more corruption in the world!

And, yes, we've seen Judaism as both religion and culture explored in historical games like Civilization IV and Crusader Kings II, but those games aren't about people; they're about playing god. Jewish culture is filled with fascinating subjects to explore (and even mock) on a personal level, but that just doesn't

No worries. People do get quite fanatical about such things. And not in a good way.

Ooh. "Kid."

Dunno why you wrote that all for me! Doesn't seem awfully relevant to what I said.

Mad idiot is mad. :D

A massive sony-tool who says the PC is better? That's likely.

Mods = Unlimited possibilities. As long as you add them yourself.

I was surprised as well... But you have to keep in mind that it may be a cultural thing. I, personally, come from the UK. There are huge campaigns to raise awareness of such things and help identify those in need of help.

That doesn't sound like depression. That sounds more like bi-polar disorder. Depression is a long period of constant lethargic self-loathing and other such emotions. It doesn't come and go. It just stays. Often for years.

I always think of the kings from New Vegas. Don't ask me why.

Some are pissed at that too, in fairness! But I'm, personally, more pissed at the whole "That's illegal" thing.

I take it back. You're great.

By law you are required to point out when something is a paid endorsement of a product.


Or worst enemies! I can't trust a doppelganger! You'll steal me away in the night, murder me and replace me in my life! Away foul creature!