
See? Unable to say anything so you tell me to kill myself. Truly you are a staunch example of moralistic stoicism.

statistically blacks have smaller brains and are more likely to be criminals.

On average, sure. But implying they always have it? That's bullshit.

I'm going to cite an obscure shitty Canadian university because why not.

Not all women have small hands. That's not a fact.

u mad i'm so right.

She was an enabler.


What are your hand sizes?

Implying women have small hands is totally sexist.

Hey. How do you know she doesn't have a penis? Why do you presume so much?

Just want to add a minor little fact: Bethesda have supported the PC launch most of all with post-launch bug fixes and suchlike.

Indeed. I do a good bi-annual organisation of all my games. Also lets me know what games count as old when they go into the 'shelf' of genre organised games.

Have you tried putting it on a SSD? Ever since they allowed for libraries on different drives I've had steam proper on my SSD and it makes a fair difference.

The era of lists is over my friend.

No worries. It's an easy mistake to make. And many others made it.

The number is probably closer to 33%. The split is actually fairly even for most games that are multiplatform. PC often takes the lead by merit of having the largest install base. Ubisoft, oddly enough, are the most reliable for stats on this matter as they publicly release the stats for game sales by platform. And…

VG Chartz is also a piece of shit that explicitly states it can't count digital platforms like steam. :p They also state that they find it harder to get stats in international markets. (Ie. Not the US.)