
it somehow makes the AMC electric car look good.

15 years with me, and 28 years with my father before that. This one is definitely my forever car.

Its funny because for months all I heard was whining that the Supra had a BMW engine, now that drifters are slapping 2J’s in them everyone is butthurt.

pfft not in the chat forums and youtube comments

As someone who owns a 2017 and 2018, I can confirm that 935 ft lbs is already a ridiculous amount of torque...

Athough this looks great, your confining the Supra to the MARK IV design and style of the Supra.

an ST performance variant

No! Not enough! Needs a bigger grill, back to the drawing board!

[Dealer]: Shit. How much is this gonna cost me?

He hates these tires!

In 2019, you can buy, new:

Hard to tell from the one picture with a rider, but the ergonomics look awful. So another big heavy bike with a terrible riding position that is neither sport bike or cruiser and most likely over priced. Not to mention it’s electric and the market for electric bike is a niche or a niche of a niche. Trying to sell

How this will actually play out, in real life:
Army: “materials scientists have worked for decades to reduce the weight of your kit by 20%!”
Every Sergeant Major Everywhere: [scrambles to figure out how to make Soldiers carry 20% more gear]

Holy shit. This is almost me. Everything you just said is true, aside from Chinese tires (mine are South Korean) and the sticker at lower left of back window isn’t a Calvin Peeing sticker, but is instead a “Car & Driver Save The Manuals” sticker.

I was living and working in Afghanistan. One morning I was entering my office and there was an old maroon Land Cruiser just like this parked outside. I noticed it had a faded dealer sticker on it still; it was from the small Toyota dealer in the rural area where I grew up. I’d probably SEEN it before, but in the US.

Should be the Ford Prod

Even calling it a Cyclone would be better, that invokes images of winds (and therefore wind turbines) instead of jet engines and smoke.

Ford and I are a lot alike. We don’t really have any good ideas at the moment, but damn if we can’t find the worst possible idea for any situation.