Oh my god, who on earth will he cast as Monica Lewinsky?!
Or smaller, if you have big boobs already. My taters looks MASSIVE in crewneck t-shirts.
She may think she’s good at sneak consumption. She may also be trying to snag a rich husband, since career and Russian billionaire didn’t work out.
If I had at least $4 million to spend on my wedding, I would do something additional with my hair...
I’m sorry but Marnie is NOT Miranda. Maybe you could make an arguement for the others but holy balls, not those two.
Tom Hardy. Just keeps getting more adorable.
I think I’d have difficulty letting go of a guy that makes Arrested Development references.
idk, not the Queen’s English works for Idris Elba. Unf.
Did they go out of their way to find the least flattering photos of those women possible?
I have maintained a soft spot for Keaton since the 80's, when he broke out in Batmanjuice.
My bits are sad today as they once longed for you.
It is not that you have no standards, you are just equal opportunity.
Nah, they’re not all posh over there. They’ve got the cockney accent, and geordie accent and they’ve got chavs and scallies and I find them all hot. I have no standards.
omg are you me? hell hath no fury like that i have for myself when i think of my exes. honestly. *dies at the thought of them*. i dated a guy who wore denim shorts. but like levi denim shorts. above the knee.
This has become my most favourite thing about Christian Slater ever.