Not the first S(t)einfeld to teeter on the edge of seventeen.
I guess it wasn’t a weiner.
It’s pretty disappointing. For a hot minute there, I was like “well yeah I pretty much disagree with all your views, but damn you are really stepping up and are brave. Dare I say someone to look up to, in terms of not taking shit from anyone!” Nope :-/
I’m going to make that guy spend time with my mother, a woman who could pick a fight in an empty room.
I give him three months before he goes, “Fuck this. I am outta here.” This is a man who has been handed everything to him on a silver platter his entire life. He didn’t have to roll up his sleeves and work his knuckles to the bone for anything. And now he is going to take what is arguably the most stressful and…
I think it’s funny that so many people place all their faith in those with political power. You need to put that faith in yourself! They’re not going to save you period. Not even Hillary.
I’m just here thinking about title issues.
The average guy usually makes me wish I were a lesbian.
This isn’t the first time she’s done something racist.
Amy Schumer shows how hard it is to stop having a career when you are a Jewish American Princess.
I know she is beloved by her fans, but I find her insufferable . She will literally do anything for attention (like vomiting in front of a crowd) and her fans applaud! She’s like the Donald Trump of pop.
I don’t think it was a parody. It looked like actresses on a set spending some down time filming a video of them ALL having fun doing a music video of their favorite song. Holy nickel the outrage is weird.
Not tearing anyone down. I believe I called her gorgeous with a beautiful voice. Saying I don’t care for her music is not a crime. That’s exactly the blind devotion I can’t understand. She is not the Second Coming. God blesses me enough every day, thanks.
“Only for the professionally offended.”
This video is dumb as shit and obtuse. But offensive and warranting of outrage? Only for the professionally offended.
Fantastic. Now let’s get you hooked up to an E-meter.