
I didn’t want to make a maybe “she couldn’t help but wonder” joke, but I’m glad someone brought the levity.

I think it’s just scrunched up like that because she’s sitting - sitting in corsets can be a little awkward. That doesn’t make it any less painful looking, but it probably looks super good when she’s standing.

(Also thank you for not fat shaming or body shaming - the comments on the original article about the dress

It’s almost like people on the internet don’t care about the truth and are insistent on placing their own narratives on any given situation.

I never saw anger in the bride’s expression, in the first place. Also, my own face continues to scrunch up in empathy for what that hellish pinching bodice is doing to her boobs. Not nice, alterations department. Not nice.

I was expecting pretty much nothing but Spy is my favorite movie of the year so far. It was super funny and also sweet. Melissa is such a star.



Start documenting his bevavior and threats for when the time comes.

Im sure those are just remarkable coincidences (they aren't)

That doesn’t sound like a terribly “mild” case of Asperger’s, really.

Keep in mind that although Mr MaidenForm and I have been together for 23 years, we just got around to making it legal 8 years ago, and that I was in my 40s; and I may have been hot as a youth but those days are long gone; and I’m often very oblivious.

My ex, who was a total psycho (you know, stalking and restraining orders - THAT kind of ex) didn’t directly freak out AT me, but he has this way of nonchalantly having some parallel thing in common with me that he tells anyone who knows us both about. I haven’t had contact with him, but for instance:

For my ex holding down a job is impossible and apparently unnecessary.

I found out my ex was engaged when he dropped me an insistent FB message asking for my mailing address so he could send a wedding invitation.

I don’t think my ex has any idea I remarried, but I did once have this terrible vivid dream he died in a car accident. I called him at his last known number the next day to make sure he was okay. It was *disconnected.* Granted, this was when people were ditching the land line to use only their cell, but his cell was

My husbands ex wife came un hinged. Please keep in mind that they had been divorced for about 10 years at this point. He and I had been together for about 7 years when we finally got engaged and decided to make it official. She started emailing him confessing her “true feelings” and that she knows that they can work

I have to admit, there’s a couple exes who I might think of once I’m engaged, just hoping that they see on facebook or something and feel jealous or sorry that they lost me. I had some really bad breakups with those assholes that really destroyed me, and I feel like this is the least bit of karma they deserve.

Is your ex Taylor Swift?

If you hadn’t spoken in years, why did you feel the need to contact him? Why didn’t you assume he’d mostly forgotten about you (not to be mean), moved and was focused on new relationships and other stuff? It just seems unnecessary to me.