
[Busquets falls over from the fart]

Touré: [makes himself a sad little birthday cake]

Photographer #1: [chuckling] "Is it cold in here?"

I'm impressed you made it through this whole article without some searing hatred directed towards MLS.

With that draw, what remained of their twig-thin title shot was whittled down to a toothpick's size.

I think this will work out fine - so long as she doesn't try to park the bus.

First step is to search a service like Giphy that will return the reaction gif, Simpsons clip, or closed caption Anchorman segment that perfectly suits the post you're commenting on.

Ew, Doug still has a pager?

Yes, but in throwing out the perfectly good egg, you've ignored the fact that the smell is coming from a gas leak. Well done.

The problem with the people that keep pointing out Lueke's history is that it ignores the possibility for redemption despite a checkered past. People make mistakes and they grow as a result of it. Yes, it's an ugly truth. Nobody is going to deny it. But the fact remains: many people have gone on from being members of

I don't think the dilution of quality issue is really that pressing, to be honest. Sure, in the immediate future the expansion franchises may not be great, though I know NYCFC is going to spend a ton, and Orlando City (who have great local support by the way) has been linked with Kaka. But I think the real benefit is

You don't like MLS. We get it.

Ugh, the dreaded 28-77-78-79-80-89-90-91-92-93-94-95 split.

@ACromartie31 go see my boy uhhh jake, mike, something like that. he's in milwaukee. wait, no, pittsburgh. well whatever, go see him, he needs a ride from school

All that matters is this year, and they aren't going to walk away with anything. No one gives a fuck about last year. Go ask a United fan.

What are they going to won this year?

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Premise is: dystopian future, people use an MMORPG for entertainment, school, and work. Lots and lots of video game and generally geek references. Also, just a fun read.

If this comment makes me want to insert anything, it's a high caliber firearm in my own mouth.

I don't want to do the math, but somewhere around there.

I also just read the first sentence and then came down here to comment.