
Props to Cutler delivering a pass after the Niner tried to burrow his helmet thru Cutlers torso two plays earlier.

Yeah. Spearing quarterbacks with your helmet in the chest after they release the ball is totally legal. Let 'em play!

Why is this in the past tense? The game's still on! The bears can come back! I mean, we won't but it could theoretically happen.

You mean like the Niners' first touchdown where the refs gave them an extra two seconds to get the play off?

The amount of flags being thrown in this game is fucking absurd.

You mean the play where he went Zinedine Zidane on Jay Cutler's sternum?

The officals have ruined any flow this game might have had. First half has taken almost 2 hours.

uh... Then it would be a foul ball, right?

—Vintage Vince Carter Dunks

This is likely to cause a whole new round of debate. But if there's anyone who's ready for a knockdown-drag out fight, it's Ray Rice.

But wait, is that the Korean Chinamen or the Japanese Chinamen? I can never remember.

Remember that time when you could kick someone in the face? I don't...

As a black person, I dont speak for all black people, we are not monolithic, But reading this email, I dont think its racist, its just a business man trying to figure out why his shit is fucked up. Hes speaking frankly, and probably factually on alot of his points, Hes basically saying mix this shit up, black and

"I was...once."

Dude...not cool

You misspelled "I'm insufferable," Greg.

I'm wearing pants right now, because I am a grown-ass man with a career.

This article may be the least cool thing ever written, it is without question the product of someone uncool.

This article is so stupid that I'm going to close my browser and get back to work.