
You want to avoid scratched surfaces, drawers sliding/falling out or cupboard doors opening themselves while literally moving the furniture?

Now playing

We have a similar event here in Northern Germany, the Bremerhaven “Fischereihafenrennen”, literally “Fishing harbor race”, but even in German it is mostly called “Fishtown Race”. Until a few years ago, parts of the track were still paved with cobblestones. Racing classes go up to Superbike.

Wouldn’t call it perfect with the deployed rollbar ... or is this some NHTSA-bullshittery?

its ... cheap pricing structure...

Boney M was the 70s version of Milli Vanilli - they too were produced by Frank Farian who in this case provided the male vocals himself. Bobby Farrell was cast as dancer and as a stand-in to lip-sync the vocals.

Hey, calm down. I drive a BMW and still I am positive that a lot if not most other BMW drivers are asshats.

Little bit of nitpicking here: It’s “caisson”, not “cassion” ... nevertheless thanks for shining a light on these fascinating structures. I visited the Scharnebeck Ship Lift some years ago and it’s absolutely breathtaking.

Die füllige Brünette Yvette stürmt hysterisch brüllend in den kühlen Bürgertreff und schüttet zügig dem wütenden Türsteher Ühmet ‘nen Kübel süßes Müsli über die Rübe.

Cooling. The low drag configuration increases air flow to the brakes. Since heavy repetitive braking normally doesn’t occur in sustained low drag scenarios, the drag management (tehee!) closes or reduces the open surfaces.

Yeah, right! ‘Murrica! Well, try saying “fuck” or “cunt” on TV in the US. Whoopsidaisy! The FCC suddenly wants money!

For me there are two instances that kick me right out of the movie experience:

That’s exactly the bullsh#t that has lead to engine failure being the most frequent reason for major break downs in modern cars (at least here in Germany). Unrealistic test procedures for fuel consumption combined with over-the-top masturbating marketing departments and so-far-removed-from-reality-that-Voyager

It baffles me that one potential outcome was omitted her: A separate peace between Germany and the Western Allies. While the official position was a big “Nope!” on both sides, they both sampled it and especially after Hitler’s suicide, Dönitz tried to team up with the Western Alllies to stop the communist steamroller

The Passat 32B optionally came with AWD. Albeit dubbed “Syncro”, which is VW-speak for a viscous coupling, the 32B had the more complex and more effective “Quattro” drive train from its Audi brethren. It featured permanent AWD with lockable center and rear diff.

Great article! I considered myself a warbird nut but I did learn about the Me 323 just a couple of years ago. Would be interesting to know what a difference a use of the Me 323 Gunship would have made, were it deployed in the same way as a AC-130 nowadays.

Did anyone else misread the headline as “Switch Hitler”?

Ooooh, how I love the Bronco! Up until the 90s, the Luftwaffe-Broncos (OV-10B) were based in our town at Lübeck-Blankensee (LBC - the airport itself has an interesting history) and did flak target towing duty for the shooting range at Todendorf on the Baltic Sea coast. The characteristical twin sound was easliy

This!!! Definitely my first thought, too!

Hm, should be not much of a thing to put an Explorer-4.0-V6 in it. The whole Cologne-V6-family started as engines for Ford Taunus/Cortina and Granada...