
This was my first thought as well.


Not Dota? Pleb :D

This rules.

Fun fact: the game is set in 2020. Where or where are our nanosuits, everyone?

Yes, Grampa. I’m sure SJWs are stealing your medication. Don’t worry, I’ll chase them away before they can hurt you.

OK Boomer

Wow, we - we must have seen different films.

Uh Barack told you what to do in 2016 and you fake ass progressives ignored him. It is not Barack’s job or The Clinton’s job to do anything. Oh maybe you should take you head out of your ass and see what The Clinton Foundation and Obama Foundation have been doing during this time. Hint it is more than your ass is

It truly is.  Can Dreams be ported to a PC?  Given a 64Gb machine with a nice video card, this could be even more incredible.  Or... it could be an amazing nightmare... bwah-hah-hah!

Silent Hill 4: The Room - the game where you’re locked inside your apartment AND your apartment is trying to kill you!

This ain’t it.

This one tells you that in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

This shtick of yours is pretty stupid. Can’t you troll better than this?

Should it have been a reputable source like Fox News, bud? Maybe splash a bit of rightwing radio personality around, really make it legitimate? Huff a bit of that ol’ tweeter straight from the Orange’s orifice itself?

So while they downsize the number of stores, increase the floor space of new locations. Around here you could easily get away with closing 2 stores (probably 3) without customers feeling the distance pain. Open a new store in the mall (where they have 1 of the "old, closed" locations, and they probably end up overall

I think they could shift around some expenses to make it work, if they wanted to. Like right now, they saturate areas with a ton of smaller stores - You could instead just have one, bigger store that serviced the same area, but people drive 5 minutes longer to get to. I have no idea if their leases are “liquid” enough

EB Games in Canada should be pursuing a cannabis retail license. Go in joint with Second Cup who is converting a bunch of their coffee shops to pot shops...