
Trudeau is definitely not my preferred PM.  However, after 9 years of Stephen Harper, I just don’t want to return to Conservative rule.  So yes, I will hold my nose and vote for Trudeau and the Liberals, because they have the best chance of stopping that from happening.

Same here!

Oh, Canada!

I support this statement! 

And if you want to stay that way, remember to vote so Andrew Scheer doesn’t win this October.

I bet you Mike Pence is wondering if he’ll catch “the gay” from shaking hands with him.

A little?

Well, even more so I guess.

Texas may actually go blue in a couple of elections, so let's wait and see for that state. The others can go.

Exactly! Considering how many people read the books and watched the movies, the Earth should now be a demon filled hellscape!

“The curses and spells used in the books are actual curses and spells; which when read by a human being risk conjuring evil spirits into the presence of the person reading the text.”

Can’t. Freaking. Wait! I don’t want to get to hyped...but I can’t help it! Finally getting a proper sequel to a fantastic game series!

Republicans: Supporting the constitution by taking away someone’s first amendment rights!

I’ve heard people say they want to elect someone who they can relate to, and who they can have a beer with.  To me, what they’re saying is that they don’t want someone who is better or smarter than them.  The fact is, to run a modern country, we need leaders who are WAY smarter than the average person.

“This is our country, not theirs”

Other uses like preventing a dangerous and unqualified populist candidate from assuming office? Oh, wait...

It has other uses that are still valuable today that have nothing to do with slavery.

My response to both of them would be that its up to the comedian to meet their audience on their level. Its not up to them to come around to his way of thinking. Humor is a living thing that’s always changing. Shit that was funny years ago isn’t funny now.

Posted in all caps too, so he must be taken seriously! /s