Kogasa Tatara

>Rachel Day is a technical artist with Blizzard as well as a cosplayer

There would be attachment. Considering she's a technical artist. So she could be working with or around the design for the character. There's love for the character just from that!

They got 5 tracks from a total of 154 submissions. You may say they got a lot of work for free, but on the other hand these contests/items expressively state that you won't get any rewards for your work. Its like an internship, you sacrifice pay for some experience, recognition, and contacts.

The Castle Crashers Music Contest was held to find music for the Castle crashers game. Numerous tracks were authored by aspiring musicians hoping to contribute to the Castle Crashers effort. Of the 154 tracks submitted during the June 2007 Newgrounds Castle Crashers contest [1], 55 were advanced past the first round

Cheaper than an arcade!

I claim my attendee badge and am asked to denote my preferred gender, if I have one. "That's a really neat touch," I think to myself. "I wish more conventions would do this."

Its a movie. You're going to want to introduce movie goers to the franchise. The original logo cries of the 90's. Of Magic the Gathering and things of the like. If I didn't know what warcraft was, and I saw that logo, I'd think "What kind of Syfy crap is this?"

While the new logo speaks "300" or a more modern action

I'm guessing because its bumblebee instead.

Ever hear of a game series called Dynasty Warriors?

Its pretty much Dynasty Warriors, with characters pulled from the LoZ series. Namely Twilight Princess in this case.

So simple yet awesome. I'll get to work on doing that to my phone sometime.

If at the worst, you could hit up a torrent of Age of Empires 2 for the proper reason.

All you'd need is a SDXC card and you're set to go.

I mean, considering its the MMO successor to FFXI. They could make a tank out of Ninjas.

They had ships that could be manned by 48 people in Darkfall. Granted, it was all cannons.

The problem is gestures going off without me even trying. I can't tell you how many times an X1 game decided to open up the menu because of a reason I didn't even know.

What everyone said. It is terrible.

No, because by then everyone will have adopted .webm and we can all enjoy a format that has the same quality and 10% the storage space.

Get with the future!

With any luck it'll pop up on

Just watch out for that overseas shipping.

You forgot about Rayman.