No pictures of Touhou cosplayers? You make me sad!
I'll just listen to stacks of c85 music releases then.
No pictures of Touhou cosplayers? You make me sad!
I'll just listen to stacks of c85 music releases then.
This is probably a passing fad. Especially if ZUN keeps on producing Touhou games.
Its also a pain in the ass to get in. Use a Japan VPN and then register an account at Wait for the offical twitter to post up a time where you can get into a server (If you're fast enough).
Moving a city away to get Fios has been a good decision. Saving $50 versus COX communciations and getting all sorts of extra things like DVR, 50mb down/25mb up internet, and all the premium channels I can handle.
Happy with this result, though mildly surprised that GTA5 came so close.
That game mode was a nice little feature. I absolutely hate the achievements they threw in for it though.
May I recommend Raiko's Theme Primordial Beat ~ Pristine Beat
Tagged Underexplained lists? How appropriate.
This will be the downfall of youtube. Especially considering their terrible award show that did nothing to support the start ups.
Bahaha, no. FFXIV: ARR plays nothing like FFXI. Not saying FFXIV is bad (It isn't. Its a pretty decent quality MMO with a superb storyline.) but there are so many different elements besides the visual update to many existing FFXI monsters and character races.
He managed to scratch his way up to being a close second of Ezio. Around Chapter 9/10 his character and motives start to change.
Nah, 11 is next in the series. Of course they would! [/sarcasm]
Lots of positive outlooks. I like it!
Welp, I just looked into my copyright notices and some of my FFXI videos have been flagged.
No, I got several offers when one of my videos ended up hitting 50k views.
For a lot of people, this is effectively getting fired. Or more accurately, suspended from their job pending an investigation meanwhile they're not getting money and someone else is benefiting from their work.
Of their recent titles, I suppose the 2009 Ghostbusters would be considered the best?
Although, in all honesty I haven't played a single game of theirs.
Don't forget about Fire Emblem. But yes, what this guy said.
Why not the trilogy set instead of Mass Effect 2?