Kogasa Tatara

I'm just glad after the shit they've dealt with (Relating to the escapist) that they've got enough footing to stand on their own.

There was 1942 in 2002 and then two expansions. Battlefield Vietnam, which felt more like a conversion (Ala the Desert Combat mod). Battlefield 2 in 2005. 2142 in 2006. Bad Company in 2008 with a sequel the next year. 1943 (Overhaul of 1942) in 2009. 3 in 2011, and 4 in 2013.

Bobsplosion must be a bot. Its the only way!

Egads, that's terrible.

It only serves to make it feel awkward.

You know, I kind of liked going to Gamestop. SHow up at 6 P.M., get a number, show up at midnight, get console when number was called in A BLACK BAG.

Give me a wood paneled X1

Xbox customer support must have gotten way better than. When I last called, they had a 60-90 minute queue so I could opt for them to call me back when they were ready. Got a very well spoken American to assist me with my issue.

Use Thankgiving as an excuse to pull the xbox out for one day and play it before putting it back for christmas?

You don't understand how amazing it is. I was honestly skeptical going into this, but I haven't needed to touch my controller to operate the Xbox One.

Fucking amazing that's what it is.

Yep. My wife started slashing one and it didn't happen. I told her to keep on doing it.

That make me cringe. As an Electronics Technician a part of me has wept.

I got what I wanted.

Even the 20 free downloadable games from buying the 3DS when it cost $250?

To bad me and the wife already have a 3DS. Can't really justify the purchase.

You never tried any skins did you?

Yes, play the program while everyone waiting for the midnight release is outside of Gamestop, Walmart, or some other store.

I played the shit out of the SNES games.