Lemme tell you, little kids and conventions don't mix well. Though, everyone will cry out "OH MY GOD! BABY YOUMU" when you decide to dress your girl up as Youmu.
Lemme tell you, little kids and conventions don't mix well. Though, everyone will cry out "OH MY GOD! BABY YOUMU" when you decide to dress your girl up as Youmu.
You'll buy a Wii U for the same reasons you bought a Wii. New Zelda, New Smash Brothers, More Mario.
I easily hit Bronze with 12 hours at Anime Expo. Good luck on hitting that gold!
Simply put, I can't because it'd make things more obvious. I end up playing during watch standing. If someone opens up the hatch (The only way into the room), I have enough time to slip the Vita into one of the many pockets the NWU happens to have. If I got caught with it, it'd be a quick trip to the Captain, as well…
Playing with the sound off since the 4th or 5th dungeon.
Did you use any guides to help you platinum the game? Kind of want to platinum it after my first play through.
Steam sale!
I can't listen to the OST by itself. It only works with the game in my opinion.
Be honest with me, do I have one more dungeon to get through? It feels like it. I've managed to keep all characters up in level. Everyone's at least 60+ now.
Been playing Persona 4 Golden since I got it at release. Been on and off it, but I've made it to Heaven.
That guy's expression totally reads "I need someone to walk with me to my car after this."
Too bad people seeking revenue for AAA titles (Which cost a hell of a lot of money to produce anymore) won't abide by this. All they see are more "gamers" to try and interest in buying their $60 game.
* *Worth:* $2641.26
Because you're wearing a mop... and a ski mask.
Food Network in a single picture, honestly.
I can't help but notice, Ratchet looks a lot closer to his 3D Movie counterpart now.
No my friend. THIS, is dedication. Going to be wearing this at AWA.
There'll be Anime Weekend Atlanta in late September. I'll be going there, mostly because ZUN (Guy behind the Touhou Project series) will be a special guest there. 10 hour drive for me though, not looking forward to that.
I went to AX this year, first time cosplaying. I went as Aya Shameimaru, my wife went as Yuyuko, and we dressed up our daughter as Youmu.
Have to say, ditching Ethan and crew has been the best decision Tim made.