
I've enjoyed the Xbox One since the day I bought it. I have not had any of the listed problems and I leave my xbox one on for extended periods of time. I often switch between TV and gaming I do not believe the system is quite up to it's announced hype. I am actually of the minority that was disappointed when Microsoft

Ill torrent it.

One day a movie will be made about these guys and I will go see it.

5-20 second lag? I've never even come close to that this whole time, and I usually have my Xbox One on the whole time from the time I get home from work until I go to sleep, and alternate between a bunch of stuff.

Sparty gets plenty enough at home.

Sparty had the last word

This doesn't just apply to trucks it applies to anything on the road!

I'm quite glad that the announcing team showed a slo-mo replay and pinpointed that he collapsed at the 24 yard line.

I wonder if there was some sort of way I could freeze myself so I don't have to wait till March?

That Misty... Wowza

I think what your missing, is a sense of humour when playing the game.

these actually look really sharp in person.

Thorin, can you do a piece on the best normal sized actually mobile fits in pants pockets usable with one hand smartphones (4 inches or under) currently or soon to be available? Many of us have no need or desire to lug around an HDTV to make calls and access the web with. It'd be nice to be able to see what the

The fingerprint data is only ever stored locally on the device, according to Apple. It isn't even saved in iCloud backups.

Dude, I played GTA IV for 4 years, the game never got boring.

Goddamn Audi makes a stylish wagon

Are we sure they were L.S.U. fans and not Ohio State fans wearing L.S.U. shirts.