
Thank you. Reading that was frustrating for me, and I didn't enjoy the sarcastic bent either. Not that I'm putting down American Gigolo, because although it wasn't Scorsese, it definitely had it's moments. But to reduce a fashion icon like that, in such a disrespectful manner, is just catty bullshit. I'm surprised


I'm stealing that, I like it!

Freud wasn't full of shit, he just had severe issues with his father and a really hot mom.

I snagged a bottle of Stark Raving White for $5 in the clearance section of my local grocery store. Nothing like trying a new wine for cheap!

I'm drinking sangria and writing about 12th century gynecology and surgery. The life of a grad student be a strange one

The backing of the documentary is simply marketing. You don't actually have to believe in the content of a documentary (or campaign) in order to realize how aligning with or presenting specific messages will win you customer support.

Can we add a fuck that to the people on Facebook putting up that picture saying "bomb explodes, bombers blamed. School shooting, guns blamed".

Photographers standing in the way of EMS personnel to take pictures of mutilated victims, dying and bleeding out on the streets? Fuck that shit and damn it to hell.

I got laid this morning. So I fucked that. Am I doing this right?

Twitter users believe Chechnya is in the or connected to the Czech Republic.

Sometimes a just a cupcake. ;)

My thoughts as well. I missed Dodai's article when it originally ran but now I see I wasn't missing much at all. Cupcakes are vaginas? Give me a break.

On the plus side, being a liberal feminist non-believer in Texas means you never get selected for jury duty.

The real victims are the Catholic schools that will get criticized for firing gay people for no reason. What about their right not to be criticized for the shitty things they do?

Ooh, an opportunity to talk about horticulture!

"And men really can't be feminists."

1. No.
2. Bullshit.
3. Wrong.
4. I am a feminist. I am not a feminist "ally." I am not "pro-"feminist. I'm a goddamn feminist. And anyone who tries to tell me otherwise is categorically, absolutely, and in every possible way incorrect. I was raised a feminist, and I will be a

How'd she write an erotic novel in six months? I'm surprised it took so long.

What I want to know is, how'd she write it so quickly?

I am doing soo much better today, than yesterday I slept in, went to my parents, shopping, then I took nice 40min walk/run after which i felt like new. :)) SO, i have energy to cook, clean, etc.. I have no desire to drink at all :)