Firion Hope

Of course they do but this isnt an isolated incedent, he's done this type of thing again and again. I merely mentioned it as part of a bigger picture of how hes acted not so different from the people criticizing him. I dont even completely disagree with him, I just wish he had said it with a little more tact

Fair enough but the same can be said about the people who insulted him in rebuttal. I dont hate him I just dont feel any particular remorse about him leaving over people treating him the way hes treated others. If he decides to come back and hopefully be a cool guy (and hopefully people won't harass him) then that

Oh of course but the same could be said about western games. I was using it merely as part of a bigger picture where hes been very rude

I haven't misremembered anything I just watched that part of the interview again to double check. I have "moved on" but its still part of a bigger of him being an ass to people again and again and yet now everyone is supposed to feel sorry for him because people are being an ass back? Please

He plainly said they suck when asked his opinion on modern Japanese games. He has a right to his opinion but the way he laughed at the man who asked the question was incredibly rude. Its one thing to be brash and have strong opinions its another to just be an asshole on a consistent basis.

Theres plenty of other devs that aren't rude to their fans. No matter what he says some people will be jerks, thats part of being in the limelight. Being a jerk on a consistent basis will just make it worse on him, something he never seemd to realize

Hes just as much in fault as the people who said the things to him though. And he says these things on a consistent basis, its not like its coming form nowhere even if its wrong of them to say it.

Oh sorry modern Japanese games suck right before he laughed at a guy for asking a completely valid question and goes on to complain about things that have more prominence in western games than they do in Japanese ones.. And he said something more like suck on my dik chok on it or something, I apologize for not

If your heart tells you to say things like choke on my dick or all Japanese games suck or to make fun of PCs... then dont speak with your heart

The second one is a huge problem with me. There several games that Ive never really played but that got hyped to heck and afterwards have people go on and on about them to this day. When I see too much of that it makes me hate a game before I've ever even played it. And if I do play it and its actually not the best

Thats how it came off as the way you originally phrased it. Glad to hear that isnt the case. All Im saying is there are other ways of handling problems and if it comes to violence then the fault probably lies with the parent, not the child.

I could be mistaken but last I heard it had the potential to be unlimited but they decided to arbitrarily put it as 1000. Not that youd ever need that many anyway

We haven't tried the new iterations either so its hard to say which is better

It doesn't have anything to do with the head on there shoulders it has to do with how you raised them. Nice to know you couldn't think of a better way to teach them right and wrong besides making them fear you though

They look really good

1600 is 20$

Personally controller. Kb/m has a really steep learning curve and is really unergonmic even with keyboards made especially to be ergonomic. But really it depends on what type of game you're playing, certain genres lend themselves better with one or the other

Good deals as always!!

aww that would be me if I got up on a stage in front of so many people

Oh they dont mean anything to me either I just find it amusing