Firion Hope

Hes probs trolling tho


But you dont and you shouldn't sell there if you have a serious problem with them. I disagree with the notion that business is all about the bottom line and profits. Sometimes you have to take a hit for the long run or stand up for what you believe in company or no

Well aside from the fact that over reliance on stocks is a bad thing in the first place it's just an excuse. They want to complain about how this and that are hurting them without taking any resonsibility for their failures. They won't take any risks or do any work to stop the evil of gamestop but they'll sit on there

Even after reading the original article I dont get how this is going to be used. Is it going to be training for signs when someone is going to sexually assault you? Or training for what is and isnt sexually assaulting other people? Or something else entirely?

But they dont get to have their cake and eat it too. They dont get to complain about how horrible gamestop is and how it kills them while not only letting their games being sold their but ACTIVELY promoting them and giving a reason to buy there over other places Theyll never be taken seriously until they have the

Gee I sure do hate gamestop!

This would've been nice to know about before a day of it had already passed... :(

I disagree with the extent that people bash it saying its the worst sale ever... were you there last christmas?? But I do think these deals that were once truely amazing and couldn't be found anywhere else are now a little less amazing since so many other storefronts are competing. Now a lot of the things featured

But they redid the tingle tuner surely youd pay 20$ for tingle tuner upgrade dlc? Actually come to think of it... maybe tingle is the one pricing it?

Ive said it before and Ill say it again its two ps2 slims taped together in a concave way. And thats good it looks nice and its closer to being the size of slim ps2s

I love playing minecrack while I eat food crack drink juice crack use the restroom crack and have friends crack

Pretty much this. I dont get why they're so afraid to publish games about having the sax when they're more than comfortable making games where you can mass murder innocent people

Yeah moonbase alpha wins my vote for best online community by a mile

Pfft screw remaking it in SS style. I want more Celda baby. Still pretty cool though

Personally Im getting it new because just ONCE Id like to have something when its still brand new. But the whole Xbox RROD thing has made me a bit paranoid over it....

You mean like just about every other console "sequel" ever thats not nintendo? There doesn't need to be some big gimmick or change. Things work just fine the way they are, innovation merely for the sake of innovation is worthless. Id much rather them refine what we had previously then do something new just because and

Will there still be the thing at top where you can see how many people are reading what? thats really useful

A salad bar you can only travel once to is silly, I would've gotten as much as possible to. And god I love pizza hut, they taste the best heated up out of all the big chains around here. Only problem is you ALWAYS have to tell them yo get it extra extra well done or they'll undercook it

Oh god... the nightmares...