
“Why aren’t you talking about all of our successes?”

Yeah, next time my family gives me shit for my poor life choices and my “playing the vidya games” I’ll just think “but look, I’m not Stephen Miller.”

Rinse. Repeat.


Thoughts and Prayers


“Did you cheat on me with this woman?” “Nope. Never met her.”

“Well, look, nobody has sold his soul to support President Trump,” Jeffress crowed.

“On my planet, this symbolizes hope.”

Actual footage of 911 caller.

Also, to paraphrase W. Kamau Bell, “Proximity is not the issue for racists. Proximity has never been the issue.”

This is why I don’t believe in organized religion, I believe in God, but not a bunch of humans getting together to say this belief is right and this one is wrong. Hard to justify the actions of a religion after actions like the holy crusades and various other acts of violence that many of these organizations undertook

We’re just ordinary people/we don’t know which way to go

Fox at the Hen house? That always goes well.

This is chief among the reasons why I refuse to run.

You’re a real piece of shit. I’d love to find you in the streets.

No, but there is a sphincter that doesn’t yet look like the Lincoln Tunnel…

As a white person, I only have one reaction to this:

Jesus fucking Christ, White People! Can we please knock this silly shit off already?

Most white people don’t actively fight to eradicate inequality and injustice because they usually benefit in some