
I have a box under my bed that has some blades give to me by a white coworker over a decade ago. He was giving them away cause his mom said he had to take them when he moved out.

I was in a not city area and i had seen a little white girl about ten. 20degrees with snow on the ground and she had on a tank top and shorts with snow boots. My coworker regularly comes to work for the past few months wearing shorts. 

I was kinda enjoying DDD and the flowmotion combat but I stopped playing it when it forced me to play as Ennui McGee instead of Sora.

*Takes off tinfoil hat*

Hold up, Brototype. I need to be able to flee if it gets too bad. In this instance I am for open borders.

Sounds like a colonizer.

So most likely he will be President in 50yrs...

Dickie Bennett you sonuvabitch!

From Ohio(Don’t judge me!) and I like Latinx people just fine so he definitely lying.

Your carpet fiber has dyed. Some specific cleaner(I no longer remember what it’s called) to loosen the coloring and steam cleaning could, maybe get the stain out.

Your carpet fiber has dyed. Some specific cleaner(I no longer remember what it’s called) to loosen the coloring and

I only watched the movie once but wasn’t Poe relieved of command after his stunt and bumped down a few ranks.

It’s a dumb line in an average movie. Me, I personally hated the movie, but I can objectively see what people liked about it.

Also video game voice acting.

The fuck!?

She's reminding me of Tennant's earlier episodes.

Her record was expunged and she didn’t start any war.

It’s actually exactly where I started watching Doctor Who and i picked up on it fine. Going back and watching the Christopher Eccleston episodes was... hard.

I like my PSN handle. I thought about it for at least a hour before I created it. Honestly if you picked a name like firescrotum or some such nonsense I think you should have to live with it.

Who will all watch it flutter to the ground harmlessly, with mild terror in their eyes, as it stares back at then like some sort of lacey, venomous serpent.

I’m emotionally advanced enough to feel sorry that it happened (citation needed) to her but still despise her for all the things she does.