Nice to see that Captain Marvel gets a good movie
Nice to see that Captain Marvel gets a good movie
Nice nice, hope it will improve on all the issues Switch had at launch, getting 2nd Switch will be good so can play some Sword/Shield with hubbo
Yes yes, we all know that is all you care, and i vill just make it easyer for you, so yuo can stroke than tiny weiner of yours
How far back we can go? But the point was to the comment that there has NEVER been superhero movies with female leads so it is idiotic to spin this narative more.
Gotta love how every single time people like you start bashing people age. Its like your go to insult when there is simply nothing else to do, its like making fun of peoples typos. It instantly makes your whole points useless when that is the best you can do.
Thank you for wiping away all the movies that happened past 2008. Way to go buckaroo
yes because there has neeeeeever eeeeeeever been female led super hero movies before WW. not even once
rose shines like beacon at night from pile of shit
Cant do that, need to have her helpless, just like Peach
All I can see is this
Awesome to see Zelda do something
This is pretty neat but the biggest issue is latency. In games such as Civ latency is no big deal but on shooters even millisecond can get you killed, or in RTS games where really need to be fast. In places that have bad internet this will be pretty useless
Could we get Probotector instead? :)
i sure hope this wont suck as bad as the first one cool cool... but what kind of game is it?
Horribly bland movie considering the character has so much potential to be interesting but this movie ruined her like no tomorrow. I hope in Endgame they will bring the real first female captain marvel to spotlight
Its not that simple to just take same model and increase the size. Look at any Bioware game and you will see how badly it will cause the animations to worble.
A fitting comparison between these two movies, both suck deep nards and are as faithful to the source material as hipsters to good fashion
Just remove the horrible fog effect and blur and this game looks better, and mod the weapon breaking away and its so much more fun to play
Or here is more reasonable answer: Captain Marvel was not going to be part of this wave of MCU movies but higher ups in Marvel wanted to push CM out too soon causing huuuuuge issues in the lore