
Breville makes the best juicers around, and a few of their most popular models are discounted today.

Wha? No, it's a great game with a terrible story. Like seriously bad. So bad that often times the gameplay doesn't save it so the game is considered terrible.

I was under the assumption that this was meant to keep the pc gaming scene safe in case windows ever goes down darker paths.

I'd be afraid it'd be handled as poorly as the game!



It'll be like a turtle heirloom. It'll outlive his creator and be passed on from kin to kin until the heat death of the universe!

Also, what makes you think Dwarf Fortress development will ever end? This game is going to outlive us both!

Kick? Schwipp Schwapp? Urge? There are people besides coke and pepsi who makes soda!?

Wait a moment... did that d-pad melt? Did he play Smash Brothers so hard it melted!?

Well, uhm, crap. You're not the guy I was replying to. You're actually sane and knowledgeable, with what appears to be a strong understanding of Unix stuff, which probably means you work with IT. Which probably also means you know more than me... so, uh...

You meant North, right? Canada is north of USA. Not on top. North.

...It's so lonely, being at the top...

Well, shoot, just google the price difference. I bet Reddit has tons of examples about Apple vs pc prices. But as for quality of engineering, I find a well thought out desktop pc build to be just as good if not even better than a Mac Desktop. Just have to be picky about what goes into it.

I wish I was rich enough not to care...

Well, they were intended more towards sheer power and computation, not really meant for gaming.

Uhm, you may want to do your research first...