Aw man, not only do I have to pay $400, I have to buy post-it notes too!?
Aw man, not only do I have to pay $400, I have to buy post-it notes too!?
Hey man, I happen to agree with Burning Chrome that Chrono Cross has the better music. It may not be the better game, but hot damn that moosic is amazing, more so than Trigger.
Yeah! That's just the shadow! Can't you... wait, that does look off center. How did they miss that misfit nubbin?
But you have to admit, the graphics on Muramasa were top-notch.
I sure hope so, but at the same time, I guess I wish a little that it was so. That way I can blame Dice for my lousy FPS skills
Hehe, whoops!
You just made me realize something: are the two games balanced differently? What if both games (I mean on console and pc) are balanced equally? Same guns, same vehicles same character strength down to the most malignant parameter? The topper: what if they just used the xbox 360 version to balance the games?
Huh, good point. +1
Man, when I think of Xenogears and music, this is the song that comes to mind.
I'm going to have to differ with you on this. I'm going to say that JRPGs were popular not because everyone preferred the anime style back in yonder times, but because they were really the only rpgs to be found on consoles. See, every deep rpg game you mentioned (especially planescape: torment) never made it to the…