Wait-a-moment, let me get this straight: they're going to sell the full version of the game for $80 and sell the demo for $60? Is that what they're saying? Because that's what I'm seeing!
Yep, can't but agree with this list. Oh, and to contribute, this: my all time favorite song on FFVI.
Dayum son, you brave. Or just enjoy being made fun of, one or the other.
Heh, tell that to Zynga.
Yeah, it's funny that. The moment those frames started dropping, I couldn't help but feel that I was watching a poorly optimised video game. Especially during that scene with Galadriel.
Maybe he meant Super Nintendo Console quality?
Well, if you're not using them...Can I have them?
Wait... people can drink an entire Mountain dew bottle in 17 seconds? Pics please, I demand pics!
Did you try "password" for the password?
Rounded for satisfaction!
You might be on to something there....
Man, that scarecrow costume... does anyone by any chance knows the guy's name? Or maybe his website?
...and as villains!
My thoughts exactly.
I like Commander Shepard's voice...