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Not exactly a cool winning pose, but kinda funny quote >.> "Our weapons are... —"

I'm not fond of the new PS3 look, but I wouldn't go as far to call it hideous. I'm amazed at how small they could get the PS3, especially with the PSU being internal (I'm assuming the yellow board above the exterior top case in the final picture is the power supply, though I could be wrong. I don't know if they gave

As Mokai said, 2 choices in ME3 if your male, ME1 and 2 don't have a male gay option.

I rarely quicksave if given the option... Mostly because I usually forget to. Probably do a quick save every 30 mins - 1 hour if I play a game with the feature for long periods, otherwise I just do normal saves when I'm done (or save occasionally if there is no checkpoints or auto save).

Oh ya they fixed the infinites, infinites were gone before I even bought the game. As for glitches like 'dropping out' (of matches?), you can get that in any game online (well, if the lag is bad enough or the other player quits). The only glitch I've run into so far was when my BP randomly dropped for no apparent

I don't think they'll do that, but I'm more curious as to how they will get ME1 on the PS3. I'm pretty sure it was published by Microsoft when it came out so there might be some issue with porting it.

Can they put ME1 on PS3? I mean it was published by Microsoft wasn't it?

It's the same for me, the only real competition I can get.

Well they weren't boxes exactly, they were just much less detailed than the heads lol.

Local multiplayer is great, but for those of us with friends who don't play fighting games online play lets us actually fight something that's not the CPU. In my case I have a brother and several friends who are gamers, yet the don't like fighters like Street Fighter, Tekken, DoA, and others (they like Smash Bros

Yeah the graphics in XIII are really great, especially for being on consoles only. The only detail problem XIII's character models was the crappy boxy fingers, but that's because they put so many polygons in the head to make the face look awesome.

People shoot through walls in CS 1.6 all the time, knowing the map and where people tend to go gives you an advantage to where they might be behind the wall. It's very common in the game online (last time I played, going to bomb site B on Dust_2, people would shoot one of the walls to try and hit people inside the

Damn that sucks. The only play arts figure I have is Yuffie, and she seems pretty durable. I'm scared to remove her hands though, came with other hand positions but the ones currently in the figure are really in there and wont budge.

I really want that Ibuki figure... I don't even care about the joints.

People talk shit on XIII all the time, but I really enjoyed it. It wasn't the best entry I played (that goes to VI, and I played it after XIII), but it was a good game with a story that wasn't super memorable. XII supposedly was crap according to people on the internet, but it's my friends favorite tied with V. It's

If I had (or rather when I get) a good smart phone I'd probably get this. Unless it's IOS only, then screw it. I love MGS, but Apple is my least favorite company and I shan't be buying an iphone nor an ipad or any "i" device from them any time soon, if at all (would need some big motivation for me to get one over say

I'm really impressed by what they've done with the game. I've already reactivated my account so I can play the next month or so free and maybe make some headway on my character for the 2.0 release (which hopefully I'll be able to change races when 2.0 comes out, not sure if I want to stick to Elezen, I'll maybe go

The track listing is really solid no matter how you look at it, I'll buy buying this!

Guess I didn't consider putting games on an SSD for faster loading (though running games on an SSD can kill the drive a bit faster than just having the OS and whatnot on it), but still, most people who play games on PC are probably smart enough to install the larger games/programs onto their bigger hdd/partition.