
I can already beat Lightning and Amodar in 5 minutes probably (they're really easy in comparison to the other fights). The hardest by far is Gilgamesh, he has tons of HP and he recovers 99,999 each time he gets out of stagger. I need to get Omega again and train him, fed my not built well one to Lightning (COM) lol.

Heh, awesome :D Would have been more SF like and potentially funnier if they didn't put blood spatterings and dismembered limbs in the video, especially in the last clip with Chun Li and Ryu.

Hmm... Can't seem to find a way to change my profile picture here on Kotaku. Maybe I'm just not seeing something?


Yeah the crystals can sometimes be a pain to get. I got Lightning's in like 3 battles, Amodar took much, much longer than that. I was lucky with Omega too, got it in like 5 easy battles. Still haven't gotten Jihl Nabaat though, and I'm having too much trouble with Gilgamesh. I got Ultros the first win, but Typhon

I have about 5 trophies left too. I have 11 fragments left I think, the quiz in Academia, a couple more maps, and a couple more in Serendipity (need Setzers Dice and something else). I need to get back to playing it, if I platinum it it will be my first platinum ever =p The quiz thing is really holding me back from

You can rename your Pokemon as long as you didn't get them in a trade. Don't remember where the Name Rater is in Gold and Silver (I'm sure he's in the same place in HG and SS), but yeah. Go change her name if you don't like Beatrice.

I usually nickname most of my Pokemon... Usually random names, names based on their appearance, or naming them after characters from games/shows I like.

Now playing

Uploaded this a few days ago, one my rusty matches :D Think my opponent was really rusty too. This was one of my first matches when I got back to the game. (I don't have XBL gold anymore, haven't for a couple months, I used the 2 day code I got with Mass Effect 3 back in march).

Metroid and Star Fox are both great series (the latter much less so, considering everything after 64). I'm not sure how I feel about this... Retro makes really good games (I never beat the Prime series, I'm not much of a 3D first person adventure person, but I have played them and they're great), so if this rumor is

2 was on Steam last I checked, 3 is Origin only though. You can still find physical copies of the game if you're lucky (I know my Walmart still has ME3 PC, last I went to Target they had ME2 PC).

Makoto is awesome in SF, I could never get used to her playstyle though. She felt slow in comparison to other characters, and Ibuki became my favorite since she's quick.

Ah, I see XP Well thats two playthroughs, easy to do in Mass Effect. Just hold Up/Right for good and Down/Right for bad in most situations =p Easy enough, especially if you get into the game. Pick it up dammit!

Favorite character(s) in your favorite series (that's plural)...

The ending of ME3 being 'bad' was waaaaaaaay overblown on the internet in my honest opinion. It's not THAT bad, I mean it isn't the perfect ending to the series, but the ending itself wasn't that bad. I was disappointed with it not taking my choices into account and just giving me the choice of 3 different colors, but

The lack of Ibuki in those pics makes me sad...

I haven't watched first strike, I need to though (I'm a Tales fan). I've seen that bar fight clip before, and another where Lambert (? Think that's the name, Repede's parent ya?) is fighting or something. Was hoping for it to come to the states so I can watch it legally, dunno if that's ever going to happen though. I

Yeah Tennebie was cool, certainly the most likable character out of all the new faces in the game (I have a great dislike of Emil and Marta). Dawn of the New World was an okay game, felt a lot clunkier than other Tales entries though. DotNW is probably my least favorite entry in the Tales series, while Tales of

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I love that skit :D "Love. Love. Love". Couldn't stop laughing at how they made Karol not know what "yuri" is when I got this skit xD

Tales of Vesperia's your favorite ya? Great game :D Tales of Symphonia was better XP (In my opinion of course, ToV is my 2nd favorite Tales).