Fighting Artichoke

Final stats. Zero games. One steal.

Alternate headline:

They shouldn’t be forced to stand at attention for an anthem either. How is that lost on you?

Can my employer make me stand for the national anthem before I start my job? Can my employer make sure that I don’t work anywhere else if I refuse?

Nobody has the right to make another US citizens stand for the National Anthem or rend any honors to the flag, per the US Supreme Court in WV State Board of Education v. Barnette. In what country do you live?

The issue is the NFL trying to buy their right to protest with hush money.

Pay no attention to the bowl of greenies next to the cold cuts...

You could *not* go to a website that you know does something you dislike in “every fucking article,” right?

Poor triggered soul, you are.

Was hoping the students would riot, if only to see the Quakers get violent.

it’s pretty hard to ignore when a politician has to insert their shitty political views into EVERY FUCKING SPORT

They’ve been doing that for a decade yet you’re still here.

Feeding his “Ungrateful black sports personality” narrative for the week on a Sunday... at least he’s getting it out of the way early.

It really is too bad Deadspin is the only sports website on the internet.

Spare me this hot taek. Deadspin has always intermingled politics with sports. This is nothing new. The point, however, is that even if I didn’t read Deadspin, someone would tell me about a really dumb thing this guy did, because he is forever doing dumb things and it’s hard to avoid it. Particularly since he’s the

The overriding message that if black people would stop complaining and just show some damn gratitude, America will be great again, is like a punch in the goddamn soul.

He has to fire up the racist base. It’s all he has left.

Be a less obvious fucking troll.

There’s absolutely no way Eric doesn’t hunt people for sport.

Zack Bitter (US 100 mile record holder, Javelina Jundred 2016 winner), Jeff Browning (Bear 100 2017, HURT 100 2016 winner), and Nick Coury (four top-six Hardrock 100 finishes) are three examples of elite level keto-fueled ultramarathoners.