Fighting Artichoke

Don’t come at him with these... these... FACTS!

Is there something in the unwritten rules of baseball that tells you NOT to try and choke out the franchise?

He must have lost a girlfriend to the allure of Hollywood or something.

And then they fake a punt on 4th and 12 while up 38? Seems hostile.

Ah, so this was your “Troll the left coast” moment rather than a legitimate question about whether this was the best matchup of the day.

What’s the one story you absolutely HATED, but simply had to report on due to a sense of journalistic duty?

Blaming the league because cheating by your franchise of choice wasn’t handled appropriately, and the publicizing of such violations is crying to ESPN?

Every time someone chooses to speed they are subject to potential punishment for breaking the law if they are caught. Why are the Patriots not subject to the laws governing their league?

“Sad and pathetic” is trying to rationalize a pattern of discovered cheating spanning over a decade on the basis that all they neglected to adhere to in this case was a technicality. If the rule isn’t such a big deal, follow it.

So they only cheated a little? Good thing this is the only time they’ve been suspected. They’ll get off with a warning.

It’s going to be entertaining as all hell to watch apologists tie themselves in knots arguing degrees of cheat based on the real estate where the cameras were located.

Most liberal use of the Patriot Act we’ve ever seen.

And like usual, he isn’t allowed a chance to get himself over.

He had not one but TWO chances to pull the kid- and refused to do so even after the penalty on the opposing player. Apparently some people still want to give the coach the benefit of the doubt despite his refusal to react (1) on something people want to say he might not have seen (2) on something he damn well saw that

If you think that *All* the coaches on a Texas high school sideline missed what happened, then you don’t know anything about Texas high school football.

If you have counterpoint, feel free to enlighten.

“A” coach? How many coaches need to be complicit in the player’s continuing participation before the program should be shut down? Two? Three? Five? It wasn’t as if there’s just one authority figure on the sideline, and the fact that none of them spoke up to remove the assailant from the field -enabling him to take

Yeah because due of a lack of emphasis on high school football in Texas, teams typically don’t have enough staff on the sidelines to be monitoring everything that happens on the field...

After the wrong player was ejected, one of the assailants was kept in the game to commit another personal foul. That gives me the impression that the coaches were quite okay with what was going on.
