Thank you for your praise, it means a lot to me. :) I figure that, for the most part, I'll get what I give. Hopefully if I'm polite, people will be polite back. It's not always the case, but I hope for the best in people.
Thank you for your praise, it means a lot to me. :) I figure that, for the most part, I'll get what I give. Hopefully if I'm polite, people will be polite back. It's not always the case, but I hope for the best in people.
No, you're absolutely right. It's not Jezebel's job to make us look like perfect little angels when there are clearly examples otherwise. Their job is to report things that happen, tell their own stories, and be hilarious doing it (which they're really, really good at). I am absolutely NOT looking for an apology from…
I was just giving examples of some of the day-to-day volunteer activities that sororities and fraternities do. I don't need (or want) a pat on the back for doing those things - they're worth doing on their own. :) My point with the volunteer work is that I went to a very small school and all sororities and…
I'm POSITIVE the LSAT was written by Satan. It was an awful experience. Can't wait to take the Bar now, haha. ;)
You're so welcome! :) Thank you!
In my case, I think a lot of my sorority sisters would have stayed close friends with me, but I have heard some (sad) stories where it didn't happen that way. We always joked that it was difficult to explain; you get to be part of something so much bigger than yourself. My sorority was the first sorority ever…
I do get what you're saying, and maybe my viewpoint does come off as entitled. I defend their institutions because I believe that not only is there nothing inherently wrong or shameful with being in a sorority or fraternity, but many, many members have found it to be a life-changing experience. Is having Jezebel bash…
Thanks for the encouragement. ;) I've read statistics and understand that the job market isn't great right now for attorneys.
I don't really know how to respond to your "Greek" argument because I didn't create the system and don't know why the lettering was put into place. I can see why you would think it's weird though.
I have plenty of friends in the Greek system and out of it. :) Thank you for your concern though. I had a wonderful experience with my sisters. I never felt like I had "bought" them or their love or loyalty. My self-esteem is doing just fine; in fact, my sisters are some of the most supportive friends I have and have…
Referring to ourselves as "Greeks" is a universally common occurance in sororities and fraternities since we are engaging in Greek life. I didn't know it was insulting to anyone, so I am very sorry if I have offended anyone by my use of the term.
I totally agree; I understand that I had a great experience, that not everyone does, and that some stuff Greeks do is just not okay.
Hahaha I really do understand. It may not seem like a big deal in the long run, but I do get sensitive when people defame something that has been such a big part of my (admittedly young) life. Hopefully my sorority sisters will be a part of my life long after it is socially acceptable to call myself young still. ;)…
Hahaha I would LOVE to read that article. It sounds awesome, doesn't it? ;)
Thank you SO much, I really appreciate you saying that. :)
And Simpson College in Indianola is a private Methodist college...? So I'm confused at why you think I'm lying about this, haha.
I got a BA in religion, so I probably come at things thinking of religious examples first! We all have biases, haha.
I used that example because it was something fun and unique that these guys did to make some high schoolers (and their families) happy. It was sweet. Our news covered it and it seemed to get a great response.
Have I not been adressing this criticism like an adult? If I haven't, I am deeply sorry.
Actually Simpson College in Indianola, Iowa. :)