
After spending much of the morning reading about the horrible shooting, Zodiac Motherfuckter's rant was able to make me forget about the videos momentarily.

Soon as I hit the fan comments section, I immediately skipped around and browsed to see if ZODIAC MOTHERFUCKER had an entry again this year.

I love your writing, Dave, but I definitely skipped straight to Zodiac Motherfucker today. Needed the pure shit.

At this point I’d almost like to see a Walking Dead style television show starring the Furiousa and her cohorts as they try to make their kingdom thrive while fighting off post-apocolyptic freaks.

not that bottle!

Neither is Walter Rörhl.

And then he had the ceiling cave in and kill everybody with no saves, because some DMs are dicks with power issues.

Analogue, you say???

You are basically buying a 17,000$ shell.


I think she knows full well what it means, just that it has lost nearly all meaning in marketing to the point of just being a meaningless buzzword that vaguely points to the ”youth.”

Went to see Resurrection F last night but was sold out so had to see this instead. Glad I only paid $4!

Plus I only paid $80 for the Tercel :)

Do you believe any of this voodoo bullshit, Blair?

This is Garnet
Back together
And I’m never going down at the hands of the likes of you
Because I’m so much better
And every part of me is saying “Go get ‘er.”
The two of us ain’t gonna follow your rules.
Come at me without any of your fancy tools.
Let’s go, just me and you.
Let’s go, just one on two.

Go ahead and try

I mean, Steven Universe and Adventure Time are both kids’ shows, but they deal with very grown up themes and feature influences that you sort of need to be an adult to appreciate.

Golovkin lost? When?

Malcador the Sigillite: One of the most powerful psychic humans who ever existed. Was able to sit upon the Golden Throne and keep the Webway Extension safe for a time while the Emperor was off doing something else. Any other human would have been instantly slain by the experience. Was one of the Emperor’s greatest